Wednesday, September 8, 2010

שנאה טובה

I'd write this in Hebrew, but no one would really get it. L'shanah tovah, chag sameach, v'ata v'mishpachot. Happy new year to you and your families. May it be peaceful and successful. Every rosh hashana here we (because I'm officially an Israeli citizen) say a prayer that gilad shalit be freed and reunited with his family. Rosh hashana is less spiritual here and despite the Jewishness of the holiday, it's more of a secular holiday here. People spend time with families and friends and go to new years parties, just like in the US. They celebrate new years in january also, but they call it something completely different. It's somewhat weird how everything closes here like on new years in the US, but rather than freezing temps and snow, it's like 90 and humid right now. We're all going to a giant kibbutz party, so I'll keep this short. Shanah tovah, and to all my Christian friends....uhhhhhhhhhh....enjoy your Wednesday.

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